Services in Fornells - Menorca
Fornells is small town, but there are plenty of services offered.
Company specialized in renting and selling real estate on the north coast of Menorca. more info
Services for owners and communities
From a reliable property maintenance in Menorca to solutions for you community of owners, we offer you the seriousity and reliability you are searching for. more...
Instalaciones Rado
Professional electrician service in Fornells. Instalation, repair and maintenance of electrical ciruits for private owners and new construction projects. Tustworthy and secure service with great experience. Contact us for your budget calculation.
Contact: tel: 617 34 14 35
Piscinas Tramontana
Telephone: 607700105
Cleaning and maintenance of swimming pools for private owners and communities. We maintain, repair and give you our professional council for your pool in the north coast of Menorca: Fornells, Son Parc y Playas de Fornells.